The Promising Potential of Japan’s Industries

Top-Quality Japanese Food Finds International Appeal
Beef, Rice, and Other Ingredients Gain Ground in World Markets
Recent years have seen a worldwide boom in the popularity of Japanese cuisine. Generally speaking, the Japanese diet packs fewer calories than its Western counterparts, and obesity is less prevalent among the Japanese as a result. This is one of the main reasons for the worldwide common interest in Japanese food. Now, though, attention is also focusing on the ingredients that make up these dishes.

Tapping the Potential of Japan’s Undeveloped Tourism Resources
The number of tourists visiting Japan has been rapidly increasing. In 2015 inbound tourists totaled 19.74 million, double the figure for 2013. A number of factors are seen as contributing to this growth, such as the depreciation of the yen, relaxation of visa requirements, and increased affluence in neighboring countries. The trend seems likely to continue.