Following a rigorous judging process, the following four photographs were selected as recipients of the Prime Minister’s Award.
Japanese Nature Division
Yo Iwata
MIE / Meoto-iwa (wedded rocks)
A photograph that captures the slanted rays of the sunrise taken on my first visit to the Meoto-iwa. To capture a place said to be of the gods’ since ancient times, I used a long exposure to express the pure beauty of Japan.
Life in Japan Division
Guided by The Milky Way
Eiji Nakane
IBARAKI / Suigo Itako Ayame Park
An event recreating the “wedding boat” tradition from the Edo period, when brides rode on boats to their grooms. The many LED lights set loose in the river looked very much like the stars. It was like taking a photograph of a fantastic fairy-tale called “The Wedding Boat Floats Upon the Milky Way.”