Prime Minister Abe continues to actively engage in “Diplomacy That Takes a Panoramic Perspective of the World Map.” He met with numerous world leaders who attended the Sokuirei-Seiden-no-gi, Ceremony of the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor at the Seiden (State Hall), held on October 22. In November, he met with His Holiness Pope Francis in Japan and visited Thailand to attend the ASEAN-related Summit Meetings and held summit talks with attending leaders.

Met with His Holiness Pope Francis at the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office. (November 2019)

Met with numerous world leaders who attended the Sokuirei-Seiden-no-gi and held the Banquet Hosted by the Prime Minister and His Spouse. (October 2019)

Attended the ASEAN-related Summit Meetings and met with attending leaders, in the Kingdom of Thailand. (November 2019)

Attended an event in Tokyo to commemorate the independence of the Republic of Palau and the 25th anniversary of its diplomatic relations with Japan, with H.E. Mr. Tommy E. Remengesau Jr., President of the Republic of Palau. (November 2019)

Met with H.E. David W Panuelo, President of the Federated States of Micronesia, at the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office. (November 2019)