All Nine Host Cities Represent Unique Aspects of Japan
The nine cities hosting the G20 Summit and its related ministerial meetings all have their own fascinating cuisine, history, and culture. The city of Osaka, location of the Summit Meeting, is one of Japan’s economic powerhouses with a population of 2.72 million (Osaka Prefecture: 8.83 million) and a GDP of JPY 20 trillion (USD 187 billion) (Osaka Prefecture: JPY 39 trillion (USD 364 billion)). Meanwhile, the Tourism Ministers’ Meeting will be held in Hokkaido’s increasingly popular and scenic international resort town of Kutchan, with a population of 16,000.

TICAD7 to Be Held in 2019 in Yokohama, Japan’s “Closest City to Africa”
Yokohama has been selected as the host city for the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (“TICAD7”), to be held in Japan in 2019. TICAD is an international conference on the topic of Africa’s development, led by the government of Japan, in cooperation with the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank, and the African Union Commission. Participants include leaders from African nations and representatives of international organizations.

Japanese Individuals Contributing Worldwide
Game App Developer in Her 80s Opens ICT World for Fellow Seniors

Japanese Individuals Contributing Worldwide
Synchronized Swimming Olympic Medalist Performing with Cirque du Soleil

Prime Minister in Action

Contributed Article: Dr. Shiro Armstrong
Global Economic Uncertainty and Japan’s Leadership in the Asia Pacific

Revolutionizing Single-Item Manufacturing

Hundreds of Host Towns Ready for Big Sports Events

Peace of Mind for Muslims Dining in Japan

This is Japan
Journey through a Vibrant World of New Green

This is Japan
Discover Fukushima’s Hamadori

Friends of Japan
Fukuoka City Fostering Innovation with the Startup Visa Program

Friends of Japan
Sowing Seeds of Peace for Japan and China

The JET Programme
From Nostalgia to Diplomacy: The JET Programme as an Engine of Soft Power

Spring / Summer 2018
Spring / Summer 2018
In April 2018, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Higashiosaka Hanazono Rugby Stadium in Osaka Prefecture, one of the venues where Japan will host Rugby World Cup 2019 from September to November 2019, and met with elementary school students from a local rugby school. The G20 Summit Meeting will also be held in Osaka Prefecture in June 2019.