In winter, what is there to see? Snow falling in picturesque streets? Cold mountains turned into storybook worlds? A seaside town blessed with lucky sunsets? Wherever you travel in Japan, innumerable seasonal secrets await you.

Candlelit Canal

Miraculous Snow Monsters

Lucky Daruma Sunsets
Balmy Kochi Prefecture on Shikoku Island has spectacular winter sunsets. Seen from the coastline on Sukumo City, just moments before the sun sets over the horizon, another sun seems to rise from the sea and merge with it. Cold winter air refracts the light, causing the mirage. Fondly known as “daruma sunsets” for their resemblance to the Japanese lucky doll, those in Sukumo are particularly beautiful, and only coalesce into the perfect shape about 10 times each winter—a truly lucky phenomenon! This amazing three-minute light show is well worth fitting into your travels.