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G7 Apulia Summit: Responding in Unity to the Various Issues Facing the International Community

August 2, 2024


The G7 Apulia Summit was held in Puglia, Italy, from June 13 to 15, 2024. G7 Leaders reaffirmed their unwavering solidarity in addressing global challenges. Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio, building on last year’s G7 Hiroshima Summit, approached the Summit with continued emphasis on upholding the rule of law and strengthening partnerships extending beyond the G7, in particular the Global South, and shared Japan’s position and initiatives on a range of issues.

Group of eleven leaders at G7 ITALIA 2024

Leaders attending the G7 Apulia Summit.

 In Session 1 of the Summit, entitled “Africa, Climate Change and Development,” Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio touched on the importance of expanding cooperation in line with African voices, including the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), and introduced Japan’s support for Africa through the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) process. He also stated the necessity of promoting climate change actions in the whole world and the importance of continuing to focus on achieving the SDGs while emphasizing human dignity and human security.
 In Session 2, "Middle East," Prime Minister Kishida stressed that it is necessary for all parties concerned to accept the negotiation proposals on the hostage release and ceasefire, and realize an immediate ceasefire, release of the hostages, improvement of the humanitarian situation, and a sustainable ceasefire.
 In Session 3, “Ukraine,” Prime Minister Kishida expressed that Japan will continue to strongly promote sanctions against Russia and support for Ukraine and introduced Japan’s initiatives.
 As the lead speaker at Session 5, “Indo-Pacific and Economic Security,” Prime Minister Kishida comprehensively explained Japan’s view on the situation in the Indo-Pacific region, including China. G7 Leaders confirmed to continue working closely together in addressing issues related to China and in dealing with North Korea, including the nuclear and missile issues as well as the abductions issue. Prime Minister Kishida led discussions on economic security, addressing issues related to overcapacity and responding to economic coercion.
 In Session 6, “Artificial Intelligence and Energy / Africa and Mediterranean,” Prime Minister Kishida presented the progress of the Hiroshima AI Process, which was launched in 2023. He also expressed Japan’s intention to utilize all technologies and energy sources including hydrogen to contribute to the global decarbonization. Furthermore, he stated that Japan and Africa would co-create solutions that contribute to the prosperity and transformation of both countries at next year’s TICAD 9.
 After those discussions, the Apulia G7 Leaders’ Communiqué was adopted, marking the end of the Summit. (Full text: G7 Leaders’ Communiqué)
 Subsequently, the Summit on Peace in Ukraine was held by the Swiss government on June 15. Prime Minister Kishida delivered the following speech at the opening plenary session.

Two people shaking hands outdoors at G7 ITALIA 2024

Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio is greeted by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy.

A large wooden circular table with multiple world leaders and officials seated around it

Prime Minister Kishida attending Session 1 “Africa, Climate Change, and Development” of the Summit.

Speech by Prime Minister Kishida
at the Opening Plenary Session of
the Summit on Peace in Ukraine

June 15, 2024
FULL TEXT: Speech by Prime Minister Kishida at the Opening Plenary Session of the Summit on Peace in Ukraine (Prime Minister’s Office of Japan)

Two individuals shaking hands at G7 ITALIA 2024 event

At the G7 Apulia Summit, Prime Minister Kishida held a Summit Meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine.

 First, I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the tremendous hospitality Switzerland has extended to us as well as the great efforts it has made in convening this Summit.

 Since immediately after the aggression Russia launched more than two years ago, Japan has imposed stringent sanctions against Russia while providing strong support for Ukraine, based on the idea that “Ukraine today may be East Asia tomorrow.” Moreover, the day before yesterday, President Zelenskyy and I signed a bilateral document aimed at facilitating further support for Ukraine.

 Also, in May 2023 at the G7 Hiroshima Summit I chaired, the G7 Leaders held discussions in which President Zelenskyy and the leaders of invited countries also participated. In the course of those discussions, we confirmed four principles, including upholding Principles of the United Nations (UN) Charter such as respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. I am delighted that, with those discussions in Hiroshima serving as the foundation, today representatives of some 100 countries and international organizations have gathered here in order to bring peace to Ukraine.

 Today we have assembled here with one common aspiration in mind, namely, the desire to bring peace to Ukraine at the earliest possible time. And, that peace must be a just and lasting peace based on the principles of international law, including the UN Charter. We cannot allow anything that would justify unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion.

 Achieving this kind of just and lasting peace in Ukraine is symbolically important in leading the international community as a whole towards a world of cooperation instead of a world of division and confrontation. Let those gathered here take the initiative and demonstrate leadership towards that end.

 Even as the international community makes concerted efforts in that regard, there is also an urgent need to respond to pressing issues which have the potential to directly impact our lives and livelihoods. Japan has been making proactive contributions to discussions on nuclear safety, one of the themes of this Summit, as one of the co-chairs for that topic.

 Humanitarian issues are also critically important. Japan will step up its efforts in the areas of electricity and mine clearance to enable the Ukrainian people to feel reassured as they reestablish their daily lives. We also plan to convene in Japan next year an international conference on Ukraine mine action, contributing in a manner only Japan can.

 Working in close cooperation with the international community, Japan will continue in its efforts to restore peace to the beautiful lands of Ukraine.


