NOVEMBER 2, 2021
Prime Minister Kishida attended the World Leaders Summit of the COP26 in the U.K. There, he pledged to provide up to an additional 10 billion USD in the coming five years to support the decarbonization of Asia and beyond.
On November 2, Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio visited Glasgow, the United Kingdom on his first overseas trip to attend the World Leaders Summit of the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) and other events.
On that occasion, the prime minister held bilateral summit meetings with the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Viet Nam, and with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. He also exchanged words with many other heads of state.
In his speech at the World Leaders Summit, Prime Minister Kishida expressed his own determination that Japan would work in full force to take on climate change, a common challenge of humankind.
The following is the full text of his speech.
At the outset, let me start by commending my friend, Boris, for his leadership in hosting the COP 26.
I have come all the way to Glasgow to convey my own determination that Japan will be working in full force to take on climate change, a common challenge of humankind.
Six years have passed since the adoption of the Paris Agreement. At that time, under the leadership of then President Laurent Fabius, we had renewed our resolve. We must not forget that very moment. “Fumio, I really want to give this to you.” To this day, I have been keeping and cherishing the gavel that my friend Laurent presented to me as a testament to my own resolution to confront the climate issue seriously.
To achieve our goal, this coming decade will be critical. Together, with high ambitions, let us do all we can going forward!
“Net-zero by 2050”; Japan will realize this goal under our newly adopted Long-term Strategy.
I assure that Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46% in the fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels, and that Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emissions by 50%.
Mr. President,
To bring about a decarbonized society, Japan will introduce renewable energy as much as possible, and lead the way in the clean energy transition, with a particular focus on Asia.
Since solar power plays a major role in the transition to renewables in Asia, to help stabilize electrical frequency in the region, converting existing thermal power generations into zero-emission power generation is a necessary path. To this end, Japan, through the Asia Energy Transition Initiative, will develop leading projects worth 100 million USD to transform fossil-fuel-fired thermal power into zero-emission thermal power such as ammonia and hydrogen. Developed countries are collectively committed to the 100 billion USD per year goal of climate finance. However, we have not yet achieved this target. In order to lead the initiative in fulfilling this financial gap, today, I am pleased to announce our additional contribution. Japan announced last June our contribution to provide support worth 60 billion USD, both in public and private finance, in the next five years. On top of that, Japan will provide up to 10 billion USD in the coming five years, which would include our contribution to the launch of Innovative Financial Facility for Climate as we partner with the Asian Development Bank and others to support the decarbonization of Asia and beyond.
Together with Boris, Japan will call on other developed countries to join us in our collective efforts.
Capitalizing on these initiatives, Japan will press onward to undertake efforts toward net-zero emissions in Asia, the engine of global economic growth.
With an aim to realizing a future where vehicles, the world’s essentials, will become zero emission, Japan will take advantage of all the available options of technologies.
By utilizing our own 2 trillion yen Green Innovation Fund, Japan will develop next-generation batteries and motors, hydrogen, and synthetic fuels, which all hold the key to the spread of electric vehicles.
While spreading the fruits of these innovations across Asia, Japan will spearhead global efforts.
Furthermore, Japan will be participating in the Global Methane Pledge. As we are moving forward in the transition to decarbonization, the ongoing issue of rising energy prices also calls for our joint discussions among leaders to meet the challenge.
For adaptation to climate change, Japan will double our assistance to approximately 14.8 billion USD such as in the area of disaster risk reduction. Concerning global forestry conservation, I hereby announce that Japan will provide financial assistance worth approximately 240 million USD, utilizing advanced technologies and working in collaboration with the international organizations.
No one must be left behind as we confront the issue of climate change. Japan will dedicate all its strength to undertake actions and contribute to the future of humankind.
Thank you.

At a high-level event on infrastructure and climate change, Prime Minister Kishida said that he would lead the international community’s commitment to achieving a better recovery from COVID-19.

In between the meetings, the prime minister actively engaged in summit diplomacy including talks with President Joe Biden of the United States.