General Information
- National Flag
- Nisshoki (also known as Hinomaru)
(For more information please click here)
- National Anthem
- Kimi ga Yo
(For more information please click here)
- Population
- 127,220,000 (as of January 1, 2014 Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
- Location
- Japan is located west of the Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere. Japan's neighbors include the Republic of Korea, China and Russia.
(To view in map please click here)
- Land Area
- 377,962 square kilometers
(as of October 1, 2013 Geospatial Information Authority of Japan
- Currency
- Japanese Yen
- Language
- Japanese
- Main Religions
- Shintoism, Buddhism and Christianity
- Number of Prefectures
- 47
- Capital
- Tokyo (The population of Tokyo Metropolitan Area as of January 1, 2014 is 13,294,039, approximately 10% of Japan's total population.)
- The Diet
- House of Representatives 'Shugi-in'
House of Councillors 'Sangi-in'
- Administration
- Prime Minister's Office of Japan, Cabinet Secretariat, 13 ministries and agencies.
- Judiciary
- Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts, Summary Courts, and Family Courts
- Main Industries
- Automobiles, consumer electronics, computers, other electronics and pharmaceuticals
- US$4.902 trillion as of 2013 (World Bank)
- GDP per capita
- US$38,492 as of 2013 (World Bank)
For more information please visit the following sites.
Portal Site of Official Statistics of Japan (e-Stat)
Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Standards)|International Statistics and International Coordination